The oh-so-juicy turkey that is a staple for many American households. But what if you want (or need) to venture away from the traditional turkey? With inflation and the persistence of avian flu keeping the cost of turkeys at a high, you may opt for a different option. Keep these switch-up strategies in your back pocket for assurance that this Thanksgiving will be memorable nonetheless, for all the right reasons. If  a whole turkey may bust your budget, consider cooking turkey parts instead. You may be able to find turkey legs, turkey wings, or turkey breast, and we have recipes for all of those! Or skip the turkey altogether. Some of our favorite Turkey Days have included zero turkey. Go vegetarian, or think of another meat to feature. Check out our recipes below for more specific ideas, and may you enjoy a delicious and heart-warming Thanksgiving in exactly the way you want to. Munni Pramanik joins Sara in compiling this list.