It’s obviously the ideal snack for game day, but I actually make it fairly often when we host because everyone likes it so much. It’s the first snack to disappear whenever we have a party at our place! Ever since my husband and I embarked on a low-carb diet, I’m always on the lookout for tasty snacks that are not high in carbs. Having a variety of these is important because it removes the temptation to eat the wrong thing. Prosciutto-wrapped mozzarella is the perfect low-carb and keto snack. It’s delicious and very easy to make. The only “difficult” part is remembering to freeze the cheese the night before. But you have to! Otherwise, the whole thing will turn into a melty mess in your oven. 🤭


You’ll only need two ingredients to make this tasty appetizer! How cool is that? The exact measurements are listed in the recipe card below. Here’s an overview of what you’ll need: Mozzarella sticks: I once bought by mistake low-fat cheese, decided to use it in this recipe, and regretted it. The regular mozzarella sticks are already part-skim, and there’s no reason to go even lower in fat than that. Prosciutto slices: Prosciutto is one of my favorite lunchmeats. It’s super flavorful and a little goes a long way. And I like that the good brands contain just pork and salt.


Scroll down to the recipe card for detailed instructions. Here are the basic steps for making prosciutto-wrapped mozzarella:

Freeze the cheese. Four hours ahead of time, and ideally the night before, you should unwrap the mozzarella sticks and place them in the freezer on wax paper. This step is important - it prevents the cheese from melting as it bakes.Wrap the cheese. When ready to bake, start by wrapping the frozen cheese sticks in prosciutto slices, as shown in the video below.Bake. Bake them very briefly, just until the cheese starts to melt. In my oven, this takes about 5 minutes at 400°F.

Expert tip

Keep in mind that prosciutto is typically sliced very thinly, so some of the pieces might tear as you remove them from the package. Don’t worry about it - those torn pieces are the chef’s bonus 🙂 - but it might be a good idea to get two packages, just in case.

Frequently asked questions


Serving suggestions

You can serve this dish as a tasty appetizer or as a snack. It’s obviously perfect for game day! It’s great all by itself or you can dip it in salsa or in ranch dressing. Good options include garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne pepper if you like spicy foods, and chili powder. Sometimes I make it for a light lunch or even for dinner and serve it with a simple salad such as this tasty tomato salad or this arugula salad.

Storing leftovers

You can keep the leftovers in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 4 days. You should probably enjoy them cold, as I don’t think heating them up will work too well - the cheese will melt. Or you could try heating them up very briefly, just a few seconds in the microwave.

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Recipe card

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