If you have ever had a fig tree, you know what I mean. Fig trees rain figs. (Oddly they rain leaves too. When it comes time, one day you have leaves on the tree, the next day, none. They all drop at once.) My parents have a green fig tree, Hank has a Mission fig tree, so we are doubly blessed. Personally I prefer the mission figs; the flavor is more intense. Hank brought over some of his figs, with which we made a fig galette, and with which we made this awesome caramelized onion, balsamic, rosemary, fig accompaniment to pork tenderloin. I liked the fig onions so much I made them again today for lunch and ate them all, with a few slices of leftover tenderloin. Yum! Add the sugar and balsamic vinegar, and toss to combine again. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook for 15 minutes.