I think the answer is always no, and since the nightmare of any holiday celebration is running out of mashed potatoes, most hosts make too much. It’s common for me to have an entire leftover container of just mashed potatoes that sits in my fridge, languishing, for a week after any celebration. Enter these Mashed Potato Pancakes to save the day! Fold cheddar cheese and chives into mashed potatoes of pretty much any sort, form a patty, then lightly pan fry them to yield a cheesy, fluffy interior and a golden crispy exterior. So easy and so good! Think of these savory treats as a new (and utterly delicious) way to enjoy leftover mashed potatoes!

What Are Mashed Potato Pancakes?

Potato pancakes are nothing new. After all, latkes exist, but most potato pancakes start with fresh potatoes that are shredded and pan-fried. These mashed potato pancakes have a few switch-ups from classic potato pancakes. For starters, they use mashed potatoes, so the finished pancakes have a more delicate texture. These pancakes also allow for more add-ins because the pancakes are more forgiving and easier to form into patties.

Ingredients in Mashed Potato Pancakes

Obviously, you will need mashed potatoes! If you don’t have any and want to make this recipe, I would check out this basic mashed potato recipe, then let the potatoes cool before proceeding with the pancakes. In addition to the potatoes, I fold in sharp cheddar cheese and chives for flavor, then add flour and an egg to help bind the pancakes together so they don’t fall apart when frying.

Tips and Tricks for Making Mashed Potato Pancakes

This is a fairly easy and straight forward recipe, but a keep a few things in mind to make the process even easier.

You can use any mashed potatoes for this recipe, but mashed potatoes without the skins work best. While you are shaping the pancakes into patties, it’s easiest to use your hands to shape them into small disks. If the potato mixture is sticking, wet your hands slightly then form the patties. For frying them, you can use oil for a really crispy pancake or butter (clarified butter or ghee is best) for a rich and delicious buttery pancake. Be mindful that the butter might burn if you get it too hot.

Substitutions and Swaps for Mashed Potato Pancakes

You can really get creative here. Use what you have for inspiration and create different flavor combinations.

Substitute any cheese that you would like or have on hand. Gouda is a favorite of mine. Go for a spicy twist with pepper jack.Mix in any herbs that you have on hand rosemary, thyme or even sage.Scallions or sautéed onions.Add in 1/2 cup of chopped leftover turkey for a heartier savory pancake and serve with leftover gravy!Try minced cooked broccoli.If you have bacon leftover from breakfast, chop it up and toss it in!

Serving Suggestions

These are really nice served as a brunch option with a dollop of sour cream. Serve them with some soft-scrambled eggs, bacon, and a pastry for something sweet on the side.

Storing and Reheating Instructions

These pancakes keep as well as leftover mashed potatoes! Keep them in the fridge for up to a week without any issue. To reheat: Drizzle a bit of oil in a large skillet. Once it the oil shimmers at the pancakes. This will keep the outside crispy. If you microwave them, they will lose their crispiness but otherwise be fine.

Marvelous Mashed Potato Recipes

Make Ahead Mashed Potatoes Garlic Mashed Potatoes Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes Mashed Potatoes with Brown Butter, Goat Cheese, and Chives

It’s okay if the mixture is slightly sticky, but it should hold its shape if you form it into a patty in your hand. If it is very sticky or runs at all, then add more flour 1 tablespoon at a time until you reach the desired texture. Once the oil reaches 325°F or it sizzles when you sprinkle a little flour into it, start forming your pancakes. You will form and fry as you go. Lightly wet your hands, to prevent the potato mixture from sticking. Measure out about 1/4 cup of the pancake mixture and form it into a disk about 1/2-inch thick in your hands. Place the pancake in the skillet and repeat until you have 4-5 pancakes in the skillet. Fry the pancakes for 3-4 minutes per side until they are browned and crispy. Flip once and cook for an additional 3-4 minutes on the second side.